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Mary Thomas - Dover Knitting, Crochet, Tatting, Lace: Mary Thomas's Book of Knitting Patterns DOC, EPUB, MOBI


A widely used instruction book of classic knitting patterns and how to create them. Patterns -- illustrated in charts, diagrams, and photographs -- range from cross and cross-over motifs to lace knitting, medallion knitting, and filet lace., A widely used instruction of classic knitting patterns - and how to create them. Patterns, illustrated in charts, diagrams and photographs, range from cross and cross-over motifs to lace knitting, medallion knitting, and filet lace., A widely used instruction of classic knitting patterns and how to create them. Patterns, illustrated in charts, diagrams and photographs, range from cross and cross-over motifs to lace knitting, medallion knitting, and filet lace., This book contains the fruits of centuries of experience and invention in knitting and is quite possibly the best single manual of knitting patterns ever written. Turning its pages, you will see the patterns grow from simple to more elaborate. You will find this to be the best arrangement for instructional purposes as well as a demonstrations of the orderly and scientific methods on which knitting patterns are based. You will be astonished at the great beauty and variety of these patterns, and you will come to realize the potential of knitting, in practiced hands, as one of the finest of crafts. The author begins with basics, with the distinction between knit and purl sides of the fabric and the use of simple black-and-white charts to present patterns. She then introduces a new motif or design in each chapter. Charts, diagrams, and photographs are used liberally along with the text to illustrate each pattern and steps in the creation of each, with special symbols to indicate critical points, so that you can guard against going astray. The patterns range from cross and cross-over motifs through slip-stitch patterns, eyelet patterns, faggot and lace faggot stitch, bias fabrics, lace knitting, embossed motifs and patterns, medallion knitting, picot point knitting, and filet lace. Concluding chapters are devoted to seamless garments and accessories, modern garments, and ornamental uses of increasing and decreasing. There are lists of French and German knitting terms and an index of textures. Special attention is given throughout to explaining the how and why of each pattern, and the properties of each in terms of horizontal and vertical stretching so that selection of patterns can be made practically as well as aesthetically. The beginner will find this book an excellent guide and instruction manual, and the experienced knitter will find it an almost inexhaustible encyclopedia of patterns, methods, and suggestions.

Mary Thomas - Dover Knitting, Crochet, Tatting, Lace: Mary Thomas's Book of Knitting Patterns read DJV, MOBI, PDF

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